
The Two Inner Coaches

Billy Schroeder was absolutely exhausted. He was a few days into a tortuous 10-day marathon practice in West Texas that was being run by Texas A&M’s head football coach, Paul “Bear” Bryant. There were no regular water breaks and no medical personnel on hand to help these student-athletes cope with the temperatures that exceeded 100 …

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How to Stop Falling for the Body’s False Alarms

Imagine you are back in your school days and you look over just in time to spot that mischievous classmate of yours pulling the fire alarm. Instantly, the bells start clanging and the lights start flashing. It’s total chaos. Understandably, some people are clearly panicked. They are half walking, half running in an attempt to …

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Quarantine was a Reprieve from Social Anxiety, Now What??

2020 will certainly forever be known as the year of the pandemic. Because you are an introvert and thus most likely an empathy to some degree, it’s been painful for you to watch helplessly as thousands of people have died and millions have been negatively impacted economically. The fact that NO ONE seems able to …

Quarantine was a Reprieve from Social Anxiety, Now What?? Read More »

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